Great Allergy Relief Measures For Every Person

Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

Great Allergy Relief Measures For Every Person

If you struggle with allergies, you know how unbearable your symptoms can often feel! Itchy, water eyes, a chronically runny nose, that feeling of not being able to breathe - allergies are no joke. They can significantly impede our ability to enjoy what it is that we're doing.

Allergy symptoms may be making your little one miserable and irritable, but that doesn't mean he's necessarily ready to take liquid medications without a fight. If your child complains about the taste, ask a pediatrician or pharmacist if you can mix the medication with fruit juice to mask the taste.

Time your outings. Statistics have shown that pollen count is affected by time of day, temperature, rain, and humidity. The worst times to be outdoors are between 10 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon, especially on days that are windy, hot and dry. So if you really want to spend some time outdoors, wait until the late afternoon.

The use of over-the-counter medication can be effective in treating and controlling allergy symptoms when used correctly. Be sure to take your antihistamine medication before leaving the house in order to allow it to start to work. If you will be driving or doing any activity that requires your attention, be sure to use a non-sedative antihistamine to avoid drowsiness.

Check that the paper tissues you are using are unscented. Many paper tissue manufacturers are now scenting their products with strong chemicals. These chemicals can be very irritating. Many allergy sufferers are constantly using paper tissues to wipe their runny noses. However, these sufferers are unaware of the fact that if they are using scented paper tissues, they could be aggravating their nose further.

Dust your home at least once a week. This will help get rid of allergens in your home. Be sure to wash all of your rugs in hot water. If you can't wash them, have them dry cleaned. This will eliminate the dust mites and mold that collects on them.

You really should not be engaging in yard work if you have allergies. No matter how much it is needed, or you may enjoy it. Mowing, raking and pruning will expose you to a ton of allergens. Trade off those tasks with another family member, roommate, or friend who can help you to avoid working too much in the yard.

You do not have a choice about having allergies, but you DO have a choice as to how you manage your symptoms. Many people have found relief from various methods of dealing with their allergies, often in conjunction with each other. Resolve to take action against your symptoms today!